Tarot Quiz: What's Your Tarot Court Personality?

Get your own Practical Magic Starter Deck here.

Get your own Practical Magic Starter Deck here.

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I used to write a bunch of personality quizzes when I was contributing to teen magazines like Candy and Seventeen. I thought I’d brush up on my quiz skills and put together this flowchart quiz for you.

Tarot court cards are some of the trickiest parts of a deck to study. The Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings of the different suits all reference different archetypes—many of whom we’re all familiar with IRL.

One of the stumbling blocks of many beginners is thinking that each Page, Knight, Queen, or King automatically has to represent a specific PERSON in a reading. Not true. To me, these different characters stand for different energies instead. A Page doesn’t necessarily have to be a young person, and a King doesn’t have to be an old man. Those definitions are way too limiting, especially if you plan on reading the tarot through a #practicalmagical lens.

To figure out the energies of the court better, I like to think of them as people you meet in college or high school. The Pages have a fresh, naive, innocent energy like freshmen do. The Knights, like sophomores, have a little bit of knowhow, and are concerned with getting into their respective fields by taking action. The Queens, like juniors, are pretty well-established and are great sources of advice, care, and nurture from the people around them. The Kings are the seniors—they’ve got everything mastered and covered. They don’t necessarily stand for actual people, but the vibe or feeling a person gives off.

Study more about the Court Cards using Practical Magic: A Tarot Newbie’s Guide & Journal.

Study more about the Court Cards using Practical Magic: A Tarot Newbie’s Guide & Journal.

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Breaking down the court in terms of these four characters is the first step in learning the court cards. After you figure out how to tell the difference between each of these characters, you’ll be able to pair them up with the different suits (Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles) and see how they can become even more specific and specialized.

And one of the most effective ways of learning what the tarot court represents is figuring out how they resonate with your personality.

I put together a flowchart quiz you can download and take to figure out which tarot archetype best suits YOU. Download it here.

One way to take your quiz result further is to see how you embody your court energy in the different aspects of your life: what does it say about your current energy levels (Wands), your emotions and relationships (Cups), your thoughts and the way you communicate them (Swords), and how you respond to your physical environment (Pentacles)?

Figuring out your personality type and how it fits or doesn’t fit the areas of life depicted by the Minor Arcana suits brings you one step closer to learning what these rich and powerful archetypes stand for.

I hope you learned something new—both about yourself and the tarot court through this quiz! Let me know in the comments if you have any questions :)

As always, stay as safe as you can, and I hope your tarot cards are giving you a bit of a reprieve these days.